
Management and Entrepreneurship Dynamics in Sri Lanka: Navigating Challenges for Sustainable Growth


Located in the center of Asia, Sri Lanka is going through a period of significant change in its economic environment. The management and entrepreneurial sectors are showing themselves to be important catalysts for this expansion as the region aims to become a regional economic powerhouse. In this piece, we examine the present situation of management and entrepreneurship in Sri Lanka, emphasizing obstacles, prospects, and future directions.

Exploring the Management Landscape

A paradigm shift is occurring in Sri Lanka’s management industry as a result of globalization and the entry of multinational firms. Local companies are realizing how crucial strategic management and strong leadership are to being competitive in the global marketplace. Still, there are issues, particularly with regard to corporate governance. Building stronger frameworks for accountability and transparency is essential to ensuring sustainable business operations and fostering investor confidence. Sri Lanka’s management scene is changing dramatically as the nation gets ready for further growth and development in its economy. Due to its advantageous location in South Asia, Sri Lanka has grown in popularity with international businesses, which has diversified the country’s commercial climate. But issues with corporate governance still exist; therefore, openness and moral business conduct must always be priorities. A variety of management courses and programs are being offered by the education sector in response to the need for competent management personnel. An atmosphere that is more conducive to business is created by government programs that promote small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and make conducting business easier. The number of people starting startups and small enterprises is rising, indicating a growth in the entrepreneurial spirit. Technology integration is changing how businesses operate, and managers now need to adjust to new digital tools and developments. Furthermore, there is a global trend towards ethical business conduct that is reflected in the increasing awareness of sustainable management methods. The changing management landscape underscores the necessity of innovation, adaptation, and a strategic approach to ensure ongoing growth and competitiveness as Sri Lanka struggles with both domestic and international issues.


There are several challenges, and two of them are special because Sri Lanka is a developing country. They are corporate governance and the skill gap. It is clear that better corporate governance procedures are required. In order to draw in more foreign investment and maintain the integrity of its business environment, Sri Lanka needs to give top priority to the construction of strong frameworks that guarantee moral business conduct. Despite advancements, there is still a deficiency in qualified management personnel. To close this gap, educational institutions, business leaders, and the government must work together to create programs that respond to the changing demands of the corporate world. The youth population in Sri Lanka has achieved notable advancements in the domains of management and entrepreneurship, significantly contributing to the transformation of the business environment. Their dynamism, inventiveness, and flexibility have sparked a wave of invention that has fueled economic expansion and promoted an entrepreneurial culture. But there have been difficulties along the way. Obstacles that many young business owners encounter include difficult regulations, insufficient infrastructure, and restricted access to funding. They might also lack the necessary networks and expertise, which makes it difficult for them to handle the complexities of running a firm. Another factor that may hinder their performance is the absence of mentorship and support networks. In spite of these obstacles, Sri Lanka’s young community has shown incredible tenacity. Limited job opportunities for school leavers can lead to unemployment or underemployment.

High competition for a limited number of formal sector jobs is the main reason behind those. Disparities in access to quality education may affect the skills and knowledge of school leavers. Economic challenges, such as poverty, may hinder the ability of school leavers to pursue higher education or start their own ventures.

Talent Acquisition promotes skill development initiatives to improve school dropouts’ employability. Encourage technical and vocational education to meet market needs. To encourage an entrepreneurial mindset, incorporate entrepreneurship education within the academic program. Establish mentorship programs that link school dropouts with seasoned business owners. By creating Create microfinance initiatives to give young people who want to start their own businesses financial support. Make it easier for entrepreneurs to obtain grants, loans, or investment opportunities. By promoting the use of innovation and technology in business endeavors to assist tech-based startups and establish innovation hubs and incubators.

Entrepreneurship Ecosystem

Thanks to government initiatives and a supporting ecosystem, Sri Lanka’s entrepreneurial spirit is flourishing. Particularly in the fields of technology, agriculture, and renewable energy, startups are proliferating. Among other initiatives, the “Startup Sri Lanka” program has been essential in helping aspiring business owners by offering them networking opportunities, financial support, and mentoring.


Sri Lanka is a very small country, but there are thousands of undiscovered diamonds are hidden in between lots of stuff. It has an abundance of chances across a wide range of industries, making it a fertile field for entrepreneurship. The need for creative solutions in the fields of information technology, e-commerce, and fintech is growing. Because of the nation’s dedication to sustainability, eco-friendly programs, renewable energy projects, and ecologically friendly goods are made possible. Sri Lanka might establish itself as a hub for innovation in the area. Entrepreneurs that concentrate on cutting-edge technology, such as e-commerce and fintech, can profit from the rising need for contemporary solutions. With a focus on sustainability on a global scale, entrepreneurs have many options to address social and environmental concerns. Eco-friendly products, green initiatives, and renewable energy projects can find a willing market both domestically and globally.

The rapidly expanding tourist sector in Sri Lanka offers entrepreneurs the chance to provide distinctive experiences, goods, and services. There is opportunity for creative endeavors to meet the varied demands of travelers, from agro-tourism to specialized travel experiences.

Government Support

Acknowledging the critical role that entrepreneurship plays in economic growth, the government of Sri Lanka has put in place a number of initiatives to assist new and small enterprises. The goal of financial incentives, tax advantages, and expedited regulatory procedures is to foster an atmosphere that encourages the expansion of entrepreneurs. Governmental efforts to promote excellence The government supports policies by creating and putting into effect policies that support job development and entrepreneurship. Simplify laws to facilitate the establishment and operation of startups. Giving financial support and setting aside money for low-interest loans, starting grants, or subsidies for aspiring business owners

Create venture capital funds to finance promising new businesses. Giving infrastructure facilities like making investments in facilities like technology parks and co-working spaces that promote the growth of businesses and improve digital infrastructure to support internet-based enterprises. If the government supports school leavers to uplift their work on entrepreneurship, as a developing country, we can easily achieve our targets. But the government identifies it and tries to do it by introducing projects like “13 years of continuing education” and so on. They match education to market demands and promote industry partnerships with educational institutions. Promote collaborations that give students access to internship opportunities. To encourage school dropouts, run campaigns raising awareness of entrepreneurship and highlighting success stories by giving information on the networks and resources that are accessible to entrepreneurs.

In conclusion, there are both opportunities and problems associated with the transformative phase that Sri Lanka’s management and entrepreneurial dynamics are going through. The dynamic business environment, fueled by both local and global forces, necessitates a strategic approach to manage the complexities. The skills gap and issues with corporate governance highlight the need for focused initiatives and ongoing progress. Nevertheless, despite these obstacles, there is a thriving business spirit bolstered by government programs and an increasing focus on sustainable practices. Realizing Sri Lanka’s potential on the international scene would depend on integrating creative entrepreneurship and efficient management techniques as the country positions itself for sustainable economic growth. Moving forward calls for flexibility, teamwork, and a dedication to creating a vibrant and resilient workplace.

As Sri Lanka progresses toward economic growth, it is becoming more and more clear that successful management and thriving businesses go hand in hand. Sustained growth requires resolving the skills gap and overcoming obstacles in corporate governance. With the right innovation, sustainability, and tourism strategies, Sri Lanka can make a name for itself in the international economic world. The country may establish itself as a vibrant center for management experts and forward-thinking business owners, ushering in a new era of sustainable economic development with sustained government backing and cooperative efforts.


  1. https://www.ft.lk/Columnists/Entrepreneurship- and-the-future-focus-of-Sri-Lanka/4-690092
  2. https://www.ft.lk/columns/Sri-Lanka-needs-a-systems-approach-for-entrepreneurship-development/4-725727
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