
Get Connected. Sadly, it’s disconnected.

Just two decades ago, the online world looked markedly different. The internet had yet to gain widespread use during that time. Face-to-face communication was paramount, and we relied on shared experiences to forge relationships. Families gathered in front of home televisions, filling the space with laughter and chatter. We savored life’s simple pleasures, spending time outdoors, crafting kites, and flying them with friends. Through handwritten letters, SMS, and cherished in-person encounters, we nurtured our connections.

However, the introduction of smartphones caused a significant shift in our world. These gadgets provided connectivity and convenience but also had some unwanted side effects. Family members began to drift apart in many homes. The younger generation lost themselves in video games, communicating with friends virtually rather than in person. Moms watched YouTube videos while making dinner, and sisters became engrossed in the allure of TikTok, where they garnered attention from online followers. The once close-knit family started disintegrating as each member sought refuge in their digital cocoon. There was a change in relationship dynamics as well. In the past, a young boy would summon the courage to approach a girl directly and make the first move in a relationship. However, as things have changed, so has the process of making connections. Nowadays, the procedure often begins with a boy seeking a girl’s phone number and initiating contact through text or social media. While this approach may seem more practical, it can occasionally harm a person’s self-confidence. In the unfortunate event of a separation, the connectedness of today’s society can also result in the online exposure of private matters, widening the emotional chasm.

Our friendships significantly impact our lives, and the internet era has made it simpler than ever to find new friends without being limited by distance. The irony, however, is that when friends gather in person, they often find themselves engrossed in their digital gadgets, capturing moments with smartphones and promptly sharing them on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. Some people continue online conversations with others even while engaged in face-to-face discussions, undermining the depth of their in-person interactions, and fostering an uneasy sense of alienation.

When I remember my youth, I cherish playing cricket with pals. However, with the advent of cell phones, a new era emerged where youngsters predominantly engage in online games. Even if they do not know the kid living next door, they form relationships with peers from other places through the online gaming community. Unfortunately, social media and online games may lead kids to participate in problematic behaviors, further distancing them from their parents. Consequently, they might struggle to comprehend the depth of parental love, sacrifice, and protection.

Personally, I face similar challenges as an individual who is genuinely passionate about technology. How can I navigate this situation successfully? Realistically, eliminating social media from our lives is impractical, given its deep integration into contemporary society.  Setting boundaries remains a sensible and workable strategy. I identify the unnecessary social media networks through self-reflection. By identifying and deleting those accounts, I may limit myself to just two or three personal social media identities, serving as platforms for sincere connections and meaningful dialogue.

There are numerous opportunities worldwide to connect with people who share your interests and foster lasting relationships. Joining clubs and participating in activities like charity work are excellent ways to reestablish contact with real people. Beyond the evident health benefits, sports promote enjoyment, awareness, and positivity, making it possible to forge long-lasting connections. They also provide a space for physical engagement.

My body, mind, and spirit can all achieve balance through meditation, a peaceful and uncomplicated discipline. It promotes mental health, sharper attention, and inner tranquility. By dedicating time each day to device-free meditation, I can break free from the allure of social media and cultivate mindfulness. As a result, this mental fortitude strengthens relationships with people and establishes me as a more sympathetic and well-respected person.

I can decide in advance to spend my free time on things that encourage real connections. I consciously choose to use my phone less, opting not to go live on Facebook or listen to music alone when traveling. This deliberate choice enables me to improve my attentiveness and generate enduring memories. When I eventually return to my routine, I feel revitalized and remember how important it is to have these genuine connections with the people in my life.

Outdoor games and artistic crafts, such as constructing kites, Vesak lanterns, and other season-related items, can occupy children’s leisure time. These activities encourage cooperation, leadership, and creativity, positively impacting their general development and potentially enhancing their school performance.

The world is changing rapidly, and as we strive to adapt to these changes, it is essential to take a moment to consider their implications. Many people grapple with waning self-assurance, increasing busyness, and a need for meaningful connections. Due to a lack of companions to confide in, some individuals may even experience depression. Such emotional difficulties may also lead to severe consequences like suicidal ideation. Always remember the importance of forging genuine bonds with people in the real world, expressing love, and caring for others. By disconnecting from the virtual world, we can appreciate the beauty within and outside of us while pursuing more significant goals.

Pasindu Bhanuka
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